Contact Wyndham Woods HOA

The Wyndham Woods Board is here to serve all community residents. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to serve on the board or any committee, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Be sure to like us on Facebook for up-to-date information on social events, neighborhood garage sales and more!

Wyndham Woods is located in Powder Springs, GA 30127.

2024 Board of Directors

President: Kelly McGough
Vice President:
Susan Bruns
Kevin Neely


Social Chair: Stacie Stoner
Grounds Chair:
Roy Lawson
Architecture Chair:
Billy Fisher
Pool/Tennis: Paolo Longo

Serving on the Wyndham Woods board takes minimal time and effort, with meetings only once per quarter, and is a great way to get involved in your community. We are always looking for new volunteers. Join in your community today and consider volunteering for a board position.

Questions or comments? Contact any board member by emailing us at