About Wyndham Woods
Wyndham Woods is located in Powder Springs, GA. Our goal is to provide information and news to all Wyndham Woods (WW) neighborhood residents, as well as promote upcoming events, social activities and local items of interest.
Below is some general information about Wyndham Woods, including helpful phone numbers, our school district and links.
Date Established: 1988
Number of homes: 142
Ammenities: Swimming pool, tennis courts, playground, basketball goal, homeowners' association, social events
Homeowners' Directory: Available to Wyndham Woods residents only. Email us to request a copy. Please include your address and contact information.
City: Powder Springs, GA 30127
County: Cobb
Cobb County Police (non-emergency): 770-499-3900
Cobb County Animal Control: 770-499-4136
Vaughan Elementary
5950 Nichols Road
Powder Springs, GA 30127
Dr. Shannon McGill, Principal
Ph: 678-594-8298
Fax: 678-594-8300
School web site
Lost Mountain Middle School
700 Old Mountain Road
Kennesaw, GA 30152
Candace Wilkes, Principal
Ph: 678-594-8224
Fax: 678-594-8226
School web site
Carl Harrison High School
4500 Due West Road
Kennesaw, 30152
Ashlynn Campbell, Principal
Ph: 678-594-8104
Fax: 678-594-8106
School web site